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Measurements V2

LinearB customers on Business or Enterprise plans have the option to export Metrics data that has already been processed by the platform and leverage this information to:

  • Create custom reports
  • Export to other data visualization tools


LinearB measurements API is currently limited to Git metrics
PM metrics like Velocity/Investment Profile/Time Distribution are not supported at this point.


The Measurements API is designed to operate in two ways.

  1. Integration - The request generate a report and provides the report in JSON format in the response

  2. Export - The request generates a report and drops it as a CSV or JSON file in Amazon S3 bucket. A link for the file is returned in the response


If the request filter provided end up with no data, then also the system will not generate a report and provide a response with the code 204 (No Content).

Create measurements report (JSON)

This API endpoint should be used to instantly obtain metrics data from LinearB. It offers the capability to retrieve all available metrics. It provides the ability to retrieve all available metrics, and for those that support it, you can opt for aggregation methods such as p75, p50, and average calculations.

HTTP request


Body parameter

Property name Value Description
Array of objects The list of metrics to export
Valid values are: supported metrics
group_by string Field to group by
Valid values are: "organization", "team", "contributor","repository" ,"label"
Restrictions: Grouping is restricted to a maximum of 10 repositories and 3 Pull Request labels.
order_by string Field to order by
contributor_ids Array of integers The list of contributors to filter by
repository_ids Array of integers The list of repositories to filter by
team_ids Array of integers The list of teams to filter by
service_ids Array of integers The list of services to filter by
labels Array of strings The list of PR labels to filter by
Restrictions: Filtering by labels is restricted to 3 PR labels
If the grouping is based on labels, the results will be grouped according to the specified labels. For other group by values, the results will be filtered based on the provided labels
time_ranges Array of objects Specifying the time ranges for pulling measurements to run the report requires detailing each time range, whether it's a single range or multiple ranges. Ensure inclusion of both "before" and "after" parameters. For instance, {"after": "2022-05-27", "before": "2022-05-29"}.
roll_up string Set the intervals to break down the data. Example: 2d (two days), 1w (one week), 1m (one month), or 'custom' to utilize the specified time ranges as intervals.
limit integer Max amount of objects in the response. When request for multiple contributors, teams or repositories, limit should be more or equal of amount of passed ids (or data will be returned partially)
offset integer Used for pagination, defines the offset for the query
return_no_data boolean If true, then will return nullable values, otherwise,will drop them.

Supported metrics

Name Aggregation Description Units
branch.computed.cycle_time p75, p50, avg Full cycle time (Coding time + Pickup time + Review time + Time to production) min.
branch.time_to_pr p75, p50, avg Coding time (Time to PR) min.
branch.time_to_review p75, p50, avg Pickup time (Time to review) min.
branch.review_time p75, p50, avg Review time min.
branch.time_to_prod p75, p50, avg Time to production (Time to deploy) min.
pr.merged.size p75, p50, avg The sum of PR sizes of merged PRs lines of code
pr.merged The number of PRs that got merged count
pr.review_depth The sum of comments divided by the sum of PRs lines of comments
commit.activity.new_work.count The total new lines of code count
commit.total_changes The total lines of code that have been replaced lines of code
commit.activity.refactor.count The total lines of code that have been replaced that are older then 25 days lines of code
commit.activity.rework.count The total lines of code that have replaced code written within the last 25 days, but outside this branch lines of code The number of PRs that got merged without review count The sum of commits count The number of opened PRs count The number of reviews on all PRs count
releases.count The number of releases count
commit.activity_days The amount of day of developer activity (commit/comment/PR/merge/review) days
branch.state.computed.done Number of branches that reached state done count Number of active branches count
pm.mttr Mean time to repair mim.
pm.cfr.issues.done The sum of issues that are considered as incidents that reached a done state count


Create measurements report with time ranges

  "group_by": "organization",
  "roll_up": "custom",
  "requested_metrics": [
      "name": "branch.computed.cycle_time",
      "agg": "p75"
      "name": "releases.count"
  "time_ranges": [
      "after": "2022-05-27",
      "before": "2022-05-29"
      "after": "2022-05-30",
      "before": "2022-06-05"
      "after": "2022-06-06",
      "before": "2022-06-12"
      "after": "2022-06-13",
      "before": "2022-06-19"

Create measurements report before and after

  "group_by": "organization",
  "roll_up": "1w",
  "requested_metrics": [
      "name": "branch.computed.cycle_time",
      "agg": "p75"
      "name": "branch.computed.cycle_time",
      "agg": "avg"
  "time_ranges": [
      "after": "2022-05-27",
      "before": "2022-06-29"

Create measurements report for specific repositories

  "group_by": "organization",
  "roll_up": "1d",
  "repository_ids": [
  "requested_metrics": [
      "name": "branch.time_to_prod",
      "agg": "p50"
  "time_ranges": [
      "after": "2022-05-27",
      "before": "2022-06-29"

Create measurements report for specific teams

  "group_by": "team",
  "roll_up": "1mo",
  "team_ids": [
  "requested_metrics": [
      "name": "branch.time_to_prod",
      "agg": "p50"
      "name": "branch.time_to_pr",
      "agg": "avg"
  "time_ranges": [
      "after": "2022-05-27",
      "before": "2023-06-29"


200 - Successful Response

    "after": "2022-05-27",
    "before": "2022-05-29",
    "metrics": [
        "organization_id": 1697464851,
        "branch.computed.cycle_time:p75": 2872,
        "releases.count": 8
        "after": "2022-05-30",
        "before": "2022-06-05",
        "metrics": [
            "organization_id": 1697464851,
            "branch.computed.cycle_time:p75": 8048,
            "releases.count": 35
        "after": "2022-06-06",
        "before": "2022-06-12",
        "metrics": [
            "organization_id": 1697464851,
            "branch.computed.cycle_time:p75": 45333,
            "releases.count": 39
        "after": "2022-06-13",
        "before": "2022-06-19",
        "metrics": [
            "organization_id": 1697464851,
            "branch.computed.cycle_time:p75": 2857,
            "releases.count": 34

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

405 - Method Not Allowed

422 - Validation Error

500 - Internal Server Error

Export measurements report

This API endpoint enables the export of metrics V2 data in CSV or JSON format. Will return S3 URL in the response. Each file uploaded to S3 will be stored with expiration period policy, so it will be deleted after will reach the threshold.

HTTP request


Query parameter

Parameter name Value Description
file_format string Defines the format of the output file
Valid values are: "json" and "csv"
(Default: "json")

Body parameter

Property name Value Description
Array of objects The list of metrics to export
Valid values are: supported metrics
group_by string Field to group by
Valid values are: "contributor", "repository", "team", "organization"
order_by string Field to order by
contributor_ids Array of integers The list of contributors
This parameter must be passed if grouping by "contributor"
repository_ids Array of integers The list of repositories
This parameter must be passed if grouping by "repository"
team_ids Array of integers The list of teams
This parameter must be passed if grouping by "team"
service_ids Array of integers The list of services
This parameter must be passed if grouping by "service"
time_ranges Array of objects Should not be passed if before and after are defined. Each time range should contain before and after.
after & before values: string (timestamp ISO 8601 format)
Example: [{"after": "2022-05-27", "before": "2022-05-29"},...]
limit integer Max amount of objects in the response. When request for multiple contributors, teams or repositories, limit should be more or equal of amount of passed ids (or data will be returned partially)
offset integer Used for pagination, defines the offset for the query
return_no_data boolean If true, then will return nullable values, otherwise,will drop them.


200 - Successful Response

  "report_url": "string",
  "detail": "string"

202 - Request to create report is accepted, but not ready yet

204 - No Content. Does not exist or has expired

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

405 - Method Not Allowed

422 - Validation Error

500 - Internal Server Error

504 - Gateway Timeout