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This API endpoint provides you with a convenient way to access information about teams and their contributors within LinearB. By making use of this endpoint, you can seamlessly integrate team data into your own software, allowing you to display relevant team information and the individuals who contribute to it.

Get teams

Retrieve all teams in LinearB with their contributors

HTTP request


Query parameter

Parameter name Value Description
partial boolean By setting the partial data response flag to False, you will receive the complete teams objects data. However, if the flag is set to True, the response will only include mappings for the teams' names and IDs, along with the contributors' names and IDs.
(Default: True)
nonmerged_members_only boolean If the flag is set to True, the API will apply a filter to exclude contributors who have been merged into other contributors. Conversely, if the flag is set to False, the response will include all contributors, regardless of whether they have been merged or not.
(Default: False)


200 - Successful Response

 "total": 0,
 "items": [
     "id": 0,
     "organization_id": 0,
     "name": "string",
     "created_at": "string",
     "initials": "string",
     "color": "string",
     "updated_at": "string",
     "deleted_at": "string",
     "extra": {},
     "established_at": "string",
     "project_id": 0,
     "parent_id": 0,
     "provider_id": "string",
     "contributors": [
         "id": 0,
         "name": "string",
         "parent_id": 0,
         "provider_id": "string",
         "roles": [

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

405 - Method Not Allowed

422 - Validation Error

500 - Internal Server Error

Get team

Get a single team with contributors by its ID.

HTTP request


Query parameter

Parameter name Value Description
integer The team ID
partial boolean By setting the partial data response flag to False, you will receive the complete teams object data. However, if the flag is set to True, the response will only include mappings for the teams' names and IDs, along with the contributors' names and IDs.
(Default: True)


200 - Successful Response

"id": 0,
"organization_id": 0,"name": "string",
"created_at": "string",
"initials": "string",
"color": "string",
"updated_at": "string",
"deleted_at": "string",
"extra": {},
"established_at": "string",
"project_id": 0,
"parent_id": 0,
"provider_id": "string",
"contributors": [
      "id": 0,
      "name": "string",
      "parent_id": 0,
      "provider_id": "string",
      "roles": [

400 - Bad Request

401 - Unauthorized

405 - Method Not Allowed

422 - Team is not found

500 - Internal Server Error