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WorkerB Notifications

There are 2 types of notifications: team, personal and channel.

  1. Team channel as defined in LinearB settings
  2. User personal channel
  3. Channel as specificed in Unassigned PR share

Team notifications

Team notifications are sent to a channel as specified in LinearB app settings.

Slack settings

Can be found on LinearB app Slack settings


Team notifications can be scheduled (ongoing events), triggering this events happen every few hours depending on the customer org it varies from 2 to 6 hours interval.


All goals notifications can be triggered either in real-time (webhooks) or scheduled check (ongoing).

Notification Message Conditions
Merged without review Code changes was merged without review ?
Merged without review Code changes was merged without review ?
Heads-up work at risk Avoid merging pull requests with work at risk TBD
Pick up time A pull request has been waiting for review for TBD
Review time A pull request has been under review TBD
Merged with basic review Code changes was merged with basic review TBD
PR size ? TBD
PR lifecycle A pull request has been open for TBD
Missing ticket A pull request has been merged without a ticket TBD

Post connection

After specifying a team channel a welcome message is sent to the channel

Congrats! Your team is connected to LinearB

Daily digest


Personal notifications

Personal notifications are sent to the LinearB bot channel for the relevant user in real-time, usually up to few seconds from the creations or change of a PR. Only activity initiated by a contributor is applicable and supported by WorkerB. Contributor is a user that actively commited or created branches.


Requires webhooks integration

Notification Message Conditions Recipient
PR approved Screenshot On the first review that was finished with approval, as long as the event is on the same day of the running server time zone and updated_at in the last 24 hours and the PR is not in Draft status PR author
PR assigned Hey User
Author requested your review for this pull request
PR was changed and has assigned reviewers and the PR has updated_at in the last 24 hours and the PR is not in Draft status and the reviewer didn't comment on the PR yet New assigned reviewers (up to 10 reviewers), exluding self-assigned
PR assigned (inline approve) PR was changed and has assigned reviewers and the PR has updated_at in the last 24 hours and the PR is not in Draft status and the reviewer didn't comment on the PR yet and the PR has only 1 file and it includes up to 5 lines changed New assigned reviewers (up to 10 reviewers), exluding self-assigned
PR re-assigned PR was changed and has assigned reviewers and the PR has updated_at in the last 24 hours and the PR is not in Draft status and the PR has review request changes Reviewers that did a request change (up to 10 reviewers)
PR changes requested Screenshot On every review that was finished with change request, as long as the event is on the same day of the running server time zone and updated_at in the last 24 hours and the PR is not in Draft status. Note: GitLab doesn't have this concept PR author
PR commented PR was changed with review comment as long as the event is in the last 140 minutes and the PR is not in Draft status Note: only for GitLab PR author
PR checks succeeded Screenshot When check status updates and PR is opened and not in Draft mode and all checks are with either success or neutral. Checked only once per commit PR author
PR checks failed When check status updates and PR is opened and not in Draft mode and all checks are with either failure, action_required, timed_out, startup_failure, cancelled, or stale. Checked only once per commit PR author
Invite unlinked ?
PR state changed ?

Draft PR is when its set to Draft or includes WIP in the PR title, these conditions can be configured in the app settings.

Inline approve

See more details here.

Create Jira ticket

See more details here.

Unassigned PR

See more details here.

Notifications settings


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